The CED Exam Centre is a Christian not for profit organisation set up so that home educated children have access to an affordable exam centre. Our exam centre is based in Mow Cop on the Cheshire / Staffordshire border.
Click here to see the centre’s location on google maps.

This Exam Centre only carries the Cambridge Assessment International Education board (CAIE) which offer UK and internationally recognised qualifications.

To see a list of IGCSE subjects available from the CAIE exam board, click here. Our exam centre offers CAIE subjects as long as they are 100% exam based. We do not offer subjects that have coursework components or oral components or practicals or subjects that require specialist equipment such as technical drawing boards.

The CED Exam Centre exists to support and help Christian
home educators achieve their aim of allowing their children to obtain nationally and internationally recognised qualifications. It also recognises that this is only a fraction of the reason why we home educate and so supporting parent led teaching within a committed and active Christian world view is also integral to our ethos. As such our greatest aim is to honour God in all we do.

Q: Can candidates who do not share the Christian faith still become members of CED Exam Centre and use their facilities?
A: CED is an exam centre that works on a distinctly Christian and Bible based ethos. Christians from different denominational backgrounds use the centre. The centre also warmly opens its doors to those of other faiths, or none. Any candidate or parent using the centre who does not follow the Christian faith will never be required to pray. They will be asked to be respectful of our beliefs and be made aware that the Christian world view is taught, where this is applicable, in the syllabus being studied and Christian prayers be said as an integral part of us functioning as a Christian Exam Centre.

Q: Is there a dress code at CED?
A: Although at CED we do not have a recognised uniform
we do require all those that use the centre to dress modestly. If you require more information about this please request to see our dress code policy document from the CED Exam Centre Topic Support Co-Ordinator.

Q: Do you offer topic support?
A: CED offer topic support study sessions at the exam centre venue or online via zoom. These topics always cover both Maths and English subject areas as well as other subject areas that we are aware will be helpful to our members.

Please note there is a requirement to attend (either in-person or online) at least one of these study sessions for a candidate to qualify to use the exam centre.

To find out more about what is entailed in becoming a member of CED please refer to the membership page.

If you would like to use CED Exam Centre for your exams please email Jane Walkington on Jane will then be able to explain all membership options, forms and other details.

Please be aware that our staff are volunteers and do not make any profit. We are simply Christian home educating parents. We would therefore ask for your patience when we deal with your enquiries.

Q: What is the most important thing to remember about home educating and CED Exam Centre?
It is to be remembered that education is a life long aspiration and mind-set and doesn’t finish with IGCSEs or A-Levels. The most important aspect of our home educational journey, as far as CED Exam Centre is concerned, is that all candidates know and understand the under pinning love, acceptance and security found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, God’s only Son.
It is God who can grant us His peace and security during and after all exams. Jesus Christ takes us as we are – all imperfections, mess and wrongs and in taking the just desserts for those wrongs offers us His peace and eternal security and wipes our slate clean before God wrapping his spotlessness around us so that when God sees us He sees the Good of Christ and not the mess of self and grants us eternity with him. It is an unattainable gift by our own works and because it relies on Jesus and not ourselves it is so much more secure!