
How can I be of support to CED?
The work load of the exam centre is distributed through the year. There are various opportunities to be able to actively support the exam centre and help distribute the workload which currently falls heavily on just a very few.

If you have an aptitude for a subject area, you could volunteer to the topic support co-ordinator to take a study session via zoom or in person.

Invigilator training could come in the form of either being happy to teach the invigilation training to writing and putting online the online training and following up results.
Preparation of invigilation rota.
Preparation of exam day stationary (i.e. seating plans/ despatch record forms) and obtaining supplies


If you live locally and are happy to help with putting people up who are traveling a distance for either study days or exams that would be of value as well. If you have any other ideas please let us know!!